The decision was made to transform the Ministry of Communications and Works to the Ministry of Transport, Works, Urban Development and Local Government. The decision brought noticeable improvements in the functioning of the Ministry. These improvements can be seen in the increase and implementation of projects.

The Ministry embodies the following programmes:

  • The regulation of the traffic system, in conjunction with the Police
  • The determination of bus terminals and bus stop locations
  • The regulation of public transport
  • The regulation of bus fares and taxi fares
  • The supervision of Government School Bus Operations

Administration -  this is effected through the operations of a central secretariat, which aims to bring about more effective and efficient management, and provides administrative and accounting support to all other organs of the Ministry.

Transport - this aspect of the portfolio relates to land transportation.

Public Works - this component is responsible for the management and implementation of all physical infrastructural, development projects of the Government.  Its functions are executed through the following:

  • Office of the Chief Engineer
  • Maintenance of Roads and Buildings
  • Architectural/Engineering Services
  • Construction
  • Project Management Unit
  • Electrical Inspectorate

Additionally, the Ministry provides policy direction and regulatory guidelines to the following statutory agencies.

  • Saint Vincent Electricity Services Limited (VINLEC)
  • General Equipment and Services Corporation (GESCO)
  • Transport Board (TB)
  • Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF)

Contact Information

Mrs. Laverne Grant
Permanent Secretary
Telephone: (784) 457-2031
PBX: (784) 456-1111 Ext. 3946
Fax No: (784) 457-1289


Halifax Street
(same compound as Ministry of Education)

Opening Hours

Mon – Fri
8:00am – 4:15pm
(784) 456-1111
(784) 457-2031