A quantity of cadastral equipment valued at $137, 924.46 US dollars has been handed over to the Lands and Surveys Department by the Digital Transformation Unit.
Speaking at the handing over ceremony, Project Coordinator of the Digital Transformation Project Winston George, said that the hand over is part of the fourth component of the digitization project, aimed at creating an electronic single window for land and property transactions.
George explained that an electronic single window is a space where persons who are transacting business on land, or property can do so.
He added that several components, including digitization of paper deeds in the land registry are necessary to achieve the electronic single window.
George explained that the other component deals with cadastral surveys and will be used alongside the digitization of the paper deeds, to set a parcel based, land information system.
Keith Francis Chief Surveyor said that the equipment is a tremendous boost to the department.
Speaking at the handing over ceremony, Francis assured Vincentians that the equipment will be used to the benefit of the nation.
Francis also stated that equipment is modern and state of art and as such, would need refresher courses on their use.
Sadar Ali of the HLCM group said that the equipment will allow for them to get more accurate data at a faster rate.
SOURCE: National Broadcasting Corporation