The Town and Country Planning Amendment Bill was passed in Parliament on Thursday, 28th November 2024 after extensive debate from Members of Parliament.

The Bill was tabled by Minister of Transport and Works, Montgomery Daniel. He outlined the objective of the Bill.

"The Town and Country Planning Act would have been established somewhere around 1976, that's quite a long time ago, but the bill would have been revised several times since its inception, but Madame Speaker with the ongoing developments and with the ongoing climate change events that are occurring here in Saint and the Grenadines affecting our landscape, our seascape, that it is once more critical that the Town and Country Planning Act be updated so as to keep abreast of modern events."

Meanwhile, Minister of Urban Development, Benarva Browne stressed the importance of the Bill.

"This is a bill that I expected would have been received with joy and arms opened because of the importance that it plays to every member of our society Madame Speaker. Madame Speaker our Politicians have been speaking about climate change, experts have spoken about climate change, in fact right now down to little children are speaking about climate change because they are seeing the impacts in their everyday lives. Madame Speaker we would have just been through the experience of hurricane Beryl, Madame Speaker this act is forward thinking and would help us to face the impacts of climate change in the future."


SOURCE:  National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC Radio)

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