Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport, Works, Lands and Physical Panning, Montgomery Daniel said just over one hundred and sixty -eight million dollars ($168,000,000) have been allocated to his Ministry for developmental projects during this year.

He made the statement during his contribution to the 2025 budget debate.

Minister Daniel said 48 projects have been identified to be carried out as part of this year’s allocation.

"This year the Ministry of Transport and Works is given an allocation of total expenditure of one hundred and sixty-eight million, eight hundred and sixty-two thousand, seven hundred and eleven dollars ($168,862,711.00) of which the current expenditure is thirty-nine million, nine hundred and forty-one thousand, five hundred and seventy-six dollars ($39,941 576.00) and a capital expenditure of one hundred and twenty-eight million, nine hundred and twenty-one thousand, and thirty-five dollars ($128,921,035.00). In this year's capital program, there are forty-eight (48) projects listed to be done for this year 2025 of which nineteen million dollars ($19,000,000.00) is being allocated for road development. There are also programs roads developments not in the ministry but this is what is allocated to the ministry as you would have seen in the presentation by the Minister of Finance where more funds are available for road development."

Minister Daniel commended the Buildings Roads and General Services Authority (BRAGSA) for the tremendous job it continues to do across the country as he noted that the annual subvention in the Budget for BRAGSA has been increased this year.

"BRAGSA is the live wire for the Ministry of Transport and Works and they must be commended for the hard work they have been doing over the years, particularly at time of disasters. BRAGSA undertakes maintenance of schools and other general buildings including government buildings, continues to upgrade and repair roads, execute the annual road cleaning programs, is involved in the harvesting and sale of Rabacca materials, is also involved in building houses in strategic areas. This year Madame Speaker, BRAGSA subvention has been increase from sixteen million dollars ($16m) to seventeen point two-five million dollars ($17.25m) an increase by one point two-five million dollars ($1.25m). This increase is done to ensure that there are more funds available for road improvement in this country."


SOURCE:  National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC Radio)

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