The Lands and Surveys Department is hoping that the pause on the aerial mapping of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines will not have any severe impact on the completion timelines.

The pause is in part due to extensive damage to the drone, after a crash on the Grenadine Island of Bequia.

Chief Surveyor Keith Francis noted however, that the time to conduct the mapping may decrease, due to improvements in the weather.

The aerial mapping which began formally in December was also impacted by the heavy rains which battered the island.

"We are hoping that it will not be severely impacted because of course the break was just about a month at the end of the flying time. And it will even be less than a month because of course we are getting better and better weather, so the days that they would have included in their initial plan as lost to in climate weather would be less, so we are hoping that they can wrap up their flying time within one month of returning to Saint Vincent."

The team from PLACE, the nonprofit organization conducting the aerial mapping is expected to return to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in the middle of this month.

The department is undertaking the drone aerial mapping of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to ensure that the land data which will be entered into the Single Window for Land and Property Transactions (SWLPT) is sterile.


  SOURCE: National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC Radio)

Contact Information

Mrs. Laverne Grant
Permanent Secretary
Telephone: (784) 457-2031
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